Holidays Are Done. Now What...


Hope everyone had an awesome break/new year! The hard part though is starting up again aha.

I know I've recently fallen a bit behind on my one cover a week goal cause of the holidays, but it wasn't only that; I got crazy sick and I'm still not 100% causing me to be a bit out of it (The insane snowy weather doesn't help lol). It's hard to go back to real life after going away to a warm place (Guatemala) adventuring with family and friends.


I know a lot of you can feel where i'm coming from. However I got a plan to stay active with ya'll throughout my sickness and upcoming travels. I feel a lot of people still haven't heard my EP I Can't Wait, so each week I'll be picking a random song off the EP and posting it to Facebook.  I still don't have any music videos YET, but by doing this I'll be able to hear from all of you, to see which song should have a video first (The best way to let me know is by private messaging me on fb).

Also just cause the covers are slowing down for the time being, I'm having some fun with snapchat, so if you want to get "a look into my life" add me

Snapchat Username: officialjony

It'll be cool to connect with you.

Besides that, I'm okay... Just re adjusting for the new year, trying to set some goals and most of all creating new ideas for covers, originals, videos and all that. I'm pretty stoked on the future and if you're reading this I appreciate you supporting me throughout these early stages. I don't know what i'm doing, but I guess thats kind of the beauty of it aha.

All the best,




PS I might be working on a vlog of my trip to Guatemala, so stay tuned. :)


Here's Where I'm at...


It's Jony.

Just wanted to give you a quick update on the EP. Yesterday, I went to visit Joao in Toronto for mastering. I had an awesome time. The room sounded like it was sculpted by cute little baby angels! If it were up to me, I'd get everyone to hear it there but, whateva.

I decided to make this EP entirely on my own, because I wanted to push myself to become a better producer/recording artist. So this is a bedroom made album, but I tried to make it the best I could with the resources I had. After thinking about it for a while, I decided to save up a little to get it mastered in a more professional venue, in order to learn more and get that extra experience.

I'm so stoked for everyone to hear it, and I Can't Wait till I start working on my next project to further my progression as an artist and producer. Also, I just finished sending in some minor changes for the final master, so it will be released soon. If you want the exclusive, sign up to the mailing list. Cheers!

Wait I Almost forgot to tell you...

I'm heading to New York City tomorrow for a little adventuring. If you want to see what kind of drunken city-life non-sense I get into, follow me on:

SNAPCHAT: @officialjony

That's all for now... Cheers!